June 4, 2022

The 5 behaviour secrets of a mindful leader

ContactKerryn Martorana, Managing Director
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What is a mindful leader? Leadership and management are important roles today in every aspect of life. We need leaders to motivate and guide families and friends and leaders to raise children. We need leaders to take charge of organisations, governments, and sports teams.

These people stand strong, rise to challenges and aim to prevail, no matter the adversity. But it’s because of this perception that we can often assume that leaders are flawless and above the difficulties everyone else faces.

The reality is that leaders actually experience a different kind of pressure altogether because of the position that they are in. They are looked up to and seen as guides, which can force pressure upon them and threaten to disrupt their stability.

This is where the concept of mindfulness comes in.

The mindful leader

According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of MBSR, “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” (Feb 10, 2017). Therefore, the mindful leader could be defined as being completely in the present moment in a non-judgemental and neutral emotional state. Thus, allowing the leader to behave in a more positive and efficient way, for the good of everyone.

As a result, Mindfulness is considered the key attribute of an effective leader, because a mindful leader is rational, logical, and strong, despite the environment that they face. They remain true to their convictions and make clear decisions after considering all the facts.

While it’s not easy to achieve, the presence of mindfulness and being in the present moment can be carefully cultivated as a way to focus a person’s mental capabilities toward leadership.

Being in the position of a leader is a unique opportunity to make a difference in yourself, your surroundings, and everyone around you; so it’s important that this opportunity is used effectively to make a positive impact.

Mindfulness can be cultivated as a way to focus a person’s mental capabilities toward leadership

The 5 positive behaviours that a mindful leader exhibits

Being a mindful leader should be part of your daily routine as it can lead to many benefits for yourself and those around you.

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Here are 5 behaviours that demonstrate mindful leadership and illustrate the positive advantages of incorporating them into your leadership style.

Mindful leadership should be part of your daily routine

1. An unshakeable focus

Instead of allowing their mind to wander, a mindful leader can control their attention and place it on everything they are doing at the moment.

You are always focused when listening to a presentation or observing a colleague. This allows you to take everything in.

2. Control over decisions

It’s completely natural to make decisions based on personal emotions, biases, and circumstances. However, a leader is expected to be rational when it comes to making the right choice.

A leader is rational when it comes to making the right choice

A mindful leader is able to stop and pay attention to these internal emotions, judgements, and biases, and realise the pollutive influence they may be having. Once separated, you can make clearer, more logical decisions.

3. Empowering those around you

Often, leaders can act too rashly when a friend, colleague, or peer comes to them for help. This intervention may lead to making the situation worse.

A mindful leader, however, takes the time to listen and observe in the moment. All the facts are carefully considered before action is taken. Only then can you give the situation the attention it requires to empower them and their growth.

4. The value of sleep

While action is taken while you are awake, sleep is just as important as a necessary balance. Adequate and quality rest allows you to correctly refresh and recharge both your mental and physical faculties to be at your best during the day.

A mindful leader is aware of this and takes the time to give their body the balance it needs to function well each and every day.

5. The value of meditation

Meditation is often undervalued. It’s actually a proven way to attain some much-needed relaxation to reset, whilst strengthening the ability to focus and maintain attention and awareness.

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Mindfulness is a state of mind which requires the leader to be at peace in the present, and with the hustle-bustle of each day, there can be a lot of distractions that can throw you out of this state. Practising meditation for around 10 minutes a day can keep you on course.

Being in a position of leadership comes with a lot of responsibility. Many people are depending on you to guide them toward achievement and success. When being a mindful leader, work towards remembering the OOCN principle:

  • Be Open to what is coming into conscious awareness;
  • Constantly Observe your thoughts;
  • Be Curious about what is happening in both body & mind;
  • Approach everything in a Non-judgemental manner.

Employing this principle will assist you to be accepting what is going on in the present moment, allowing you to make proactive and effective mindful decisions.

Introducing, nurturing, and practising mindfulness when leading will improve your focus, clarity, creativity, and compassion. It’s worth nurturing this quality but it requires full and complete, non-judgmental attention in the present moment so that both you and those around you benefit.

How Can Lifeology Help You?

We have years of experience assisting people to understand and enhance their Mindfulness. We have also helped many people discover their true potential in their working and personal lives.

Although our state of mind and leadership style becomes more ‘set in’ with age, they are malleable. It can be focused on and enhanced in an effective way with self-awareness and coaching. This will improve career growth and success.
Feel free to contact me to find out how!

For more information, contact Kerryn to unlock your emotional potential today.

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Contact Us:

Kerryn Martorana

(B. Psych, Hons) (ICF, PCC) MAPS, JP
Managing Director
Kerryn is an organisational coach and registered psychologist with 20 years of experience. She is engaged with many high-profile and top 100 ASX companies. She coaches their people in leadership, business & sales. Kerryn specialises in business and performance coaching, resilience & intervention, emotional intelligence, behaviour modification and mindfulness.

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